Monday, May 11, 2009

Share and Voice: Recycle Caps With Aveda

I am really excited about this last share and voice for a couple of reasons. Of course I am excited about it because I feel like it is an interesting topic, but I am even more excited about this environmental issue because it came from an unlikely source, Aveda Salons.

They are choosing to do something about a serious recycling issue. Currently, most plastic bottle caps are not able to be recycled so they end up in landfills. Contents of the landfills often spill into our water supplies which then harms the animals that live in that area. Due to this problem, they
"are building a new recycling program for plastic bottle caps in which caps are collected at stores and schools and then sent by Aveda to their recycler where the material is recycled into new caps and containers. Aveda has been able to work closely with their suppliers to develop ways to make new caps and containers from the recycled caps." Go to the website to read more about the type of plastic tops they are collecting. You can bring them to any Aveda Store/Salon and they will be repurposed into Aveda packaging. How cool!

To read the article go to:

Have a Great Day!!!

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