Friday, April 3, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 9 and 10

These last two weeks have gone super fast and have been pretty easy. We branched out from our regular documentary viewing and article reading, and started to learn about advocacy and good picture taking techniques. This was really interesting to me, because I recently have been really interested in advocacy, but haven't taken the chance to learn more about it. I really enjoy speaking about controversial issues and speaking up for people who don't have a voice, so I think I will be really great at this advocacy project that is coming up.

So in week 9 we learned about advocacy and then did our first post for our advocacy project. Our assignment was to look up our political leaders and find their contact information and political affiliation. I thought that this post would be super easy, but finding our political leaders was harder for me than I thought it would be. I really enjoyed doing this assignment because I got to learn who some of our more local leaders are, and I had no idea who they were before this project.

In week 10 we did not have class. I really enjoyed this, just because I think that all of us are starting to get really burnt out, so I think that we all just needed a little break. Now I feel recharged and ready to hit these last six weeks hard. During this week we had our Photo Essay Eye Opener due. Our assignment was to pick an environmental issue and describe the problem through photos. This project was really hard for me because I am not a very creative person. But after I finished this assignment I felt really proud of myself, so I am really glad that we had this assignment and that I had this chance to push myself.

Overall I really enjoyed these last two weeks!

Have a Great Day!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Eye Opener: Photo Essay I chose to do my photo essay on a problem that has been bugging me for the last two years. For the last two years I have been buying my own groceries, and have noticed how many plastic bags accumulate from my roommates and my own shopping trips. By the end of the semester we have accumulated a ridiculous amount of bags. Now here is the problem...where do you get rid of the bags??? You can't recycle these bags, so it seems that your only option is to toss the bags in the trash, but then they are filling up our landfills. There is one other solution, but you need to have time, and a car to use it. This option is bringing all of your plastic bags to your local Cub Foods, where they have a recycling bin for plastic bags. It is so wonderful that we have that option...but I am wondering how many people actually choose to save all of their plastic bags and then drive all the way out to their local Cub Foods to recycle their bags. I think that there should be more places where people can recycle their plastic bags.

My photo essay restates what I have just described above. I hope you enjoy it!!!

This is how the problem starts...just one small shopping trip to the grocery store.

There are just two bags....harmless...right????

But now all of my roommates have gone shopping...

Now here is a whole semesters worth of plastic bags that my roommates and I have accumulated.

There are so many bags. I need to get rid of them somehow.

I don't want to throw them in the trash.

I can't recycle them.

So what am I going to do???? I am going to pack up my car with all of my bags and go to my local Cub Foods where I can drop them off.

This is the recycling bin for all of your plastic bags.

This is what the recycling bin says.

These are all of my bags in front of the recycling bin. I am going to try to do my part to keep the landfills less full, and recycle my bags here.

I hope that you all join me and start bringing your grocery bags to your local Cub Foods! Join me in making this one small step to save the environment!

I recieved consent from the manager at Duluth's local Cub Foods to take these picture!

Have a Great Day!!!