Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Share and Voice:Fourth Anual City-Wide Spring Sweep

So today I was trying to pay some of my bills when I ran across this really cool add in my Comfort Systems bill.

This add brings up the great question..."What do you do with sand that is plowed up onto your sidewalks?". The add continues to explain that raking or sweeping sand into the street is bad for our streams because anything that is on our streets ends up in creeks. All of this water ends up in Lake Superior. The add mentions some of the main problems with sand and grit ending up in the water. "The sand and grit fills in and destroys habitat for fish, insects and aquatic life; sediment clouds streams...which means that trout cannot see their food; and sand and grit carries other pollutants like oil, grease, and nutrients".

So here is the Solution: Participate in this Fourth Annual City-Wide Spring Sweep!

When: During Spring Cleaning. (Early April through May)
Where: Sidewalks, boulevards, gutters and ditches around your home
What: A community effort to sweep up sand and dirt
Why: Protect our streams and Lake Superior
How: Collect sand and grit and bring it to a neighborhood Road Sand Collection Site

To find a drop off site near you call 218-730-4130, or come find me and I can let you look at the brochure for possible drop of sites.

PLEASE join me in the Fourth Annual City-Wide Spring Sweep! I had no idea that sand and grit was bad for the environment, so why not do something about it. Use the collection sites that they have created for this issues, and try to make our lakes safer and cleaner.

The add is for the stream protection project and is brought you by the City of Duluth and the South St. Louis County Soil and Water Conservation District, through funding from the Great Lakes Commission.

The Western Lake Superior Sanitation District was also mentioned in this add to help with any of your other sanitation needs.

If you want to learn more about where you can recycling, garbage, wastewater, polution, composting, and more environmental issues, please check out the Western Lake Superior Sanitation District homepage at:

Have a Great Day!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Advocacy Project: Issue Overview


-The issue that I want to discuss is consequences of second hand smoke, especially on children. For my advocacy project I would like to ask that new legislation be made in Minnesota to protect children from second hand smoke in cars. There have been some great steps being made towards protecting people from second hand smoke. According to American's for Nonsmokers' Rights (ANR), second hand smoking can have the following affects on children: low birth weight, higher rates of SIDS, cognitive impairments, respiratory problems, asthma, and other repercussions as an adult. This really proves the need for new legislation to be made in order to protect children from their parent's smoking. Some even view smoking around children as child abuse.

As of October 1, 2007 all indoor public areas have been made smoke free thanks to the
Freedom to Breathe Act of 2007. Also, in a couple different states there are laws that ban smoking around foster children. Other states have even made laws against smoking with children in the car. Each state that has made a law of this type has slightly different consequences for breaking this law, and slightly different age limits of children that cannot be in the car with a parent who is smoking. I would really like for Minnesota to have a law like this.

Who is affected by the issue?

- I feel that children are affected the most by smoking that goes on in a car. In the research that I did on this issue I learned that children are more at risk from second hand smoke due to the fact that their lungs are still developing. This leads to more respiratory problems in their future.

-If a law is made to ban smoking in cars with children; children will be healthier, and have less medical problems. I realize that parents that currently smoke may have some issues with this new law, but I think that if they really care about their child's well being, they will accept this new law.

What are the consequences of the issue?

-I feel that the consequences of this issue are mostly positive. I think that a smoking ban for cars with children will not only positively affect the child' s health, but it will also positively affect the parent's health. This ban will most likely lead to the parents smoking a few less cigarettes a day. I realize that this ban will be a huge challenge for some parents, but I honestly feel that they will get over it.

-I think that this ban will also positively affect society. If less cigarettes are smoked; the air will be healthier. I also realize that cigarette companies may not like this ban because they may lose some sales.

What is the economic impact of the issue?

-I think that the economic costs of this issue would be less money coming into the economy from cigarette sales or even medical bills.

-I think that the economic benefits of this issue would be healthier people that will be able to work more.

What is the social impact of the issue?

-I think that the social costs of this issue would occur for people who smoke. They may not have the same social opportunities as they used to have.

-I think that the social benefits of this issue are healthier people.

What are the barriers?

-I think the main barrier to this problem is the parents of children who do smoke.

-In order to eliminate this barrier, the parents will need to either find other times and places to smoke, or figure out how to quit smoking.

-Quitting smoking would create many barriers for many people. There would be issues of money, time, childcare, and transportation. In order to get rid of a few barriers, maybe there could be free smoking cessation classes with child care provided.

What are the resources?

-We will need the support of the community and the State Senator. We will need legislation to be written by the Senator. In order to get the support of the Senator, we will need the people to write letters to her that show the importance of this issue. These letters will need to be well researched and written.

What is the history of this issue?

-There hasn't been any history on this particular issue in Minnesota, so that is why I am wanting new legislation to be written on this issue. Other states such as California, Maine, Louisiana, and Arkansas have already passed similar laws, and it has been very well taken.

Allies & Opponents

-People/Groups who would support this issue would be:Families of non-smokers, families of smokers (I read that even parents who smoke feel that this ban would be a good idea), and Non-Smokers' Rights Groups, such as ASH or ANR.

-People/Groups who would oppose this issue would be: Parents/Families of smokers and Smokers' Rights Groups, such as Minnesotans Against Smoking Bans and The Smokers Club.

My Recommendation

-I would really like to have Senator Amy Klobuchar propose some new legislation that would ban smoking in the car with children.

Have a Great Day!!!