Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Share and Voice: Top 10 Ways to be Green

Hey guys! I realize this isn't the most creative Share and Voice ever, but I do feel that it is an important one for everyone to know about. I am surprised that no one has beat me to something this simple. So here goes... I decided to find out what the top 10 ways to be green are. I typed this into Google, and got lots of responses, but the one I liked the best was by Yahoo. Their Top 10 Ways to be Green are as follows:

1. Unplug or Shut off Appliances
2. Use Less Water
3. Switch to Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs
4. Choose Products With Less Packaging
5. Buy Organic and Local Foods
6. Drive Less
7. Plant a Tree
8. Recycle More
9. Switch to "Green" Power via Your Local Utility Company
10. Spread the Word

Please check this website out to get more information on these ten ways to be green.;_ylt=AneOyh1WnhwTal0s4SL2kAaGV8cX

Let me know which one is your favorite. Thanks for reading!!

Have a Great Day!!!


  1. Good post, I went through the list and seem to be doing most of them so pretty sure I'm right on track;)

  2. Nice post! I never really think of planiting a tree and spreading the word. The other were pretty common but still its good to hear just for a reminder. Keep up the good work!
