Friday, March 13, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 7 and 8

Wow...another two weeks have gone by. This class is still really interesting to me. I am learning about so many different environmental issues. Before this class, I thought of environmental issues as recycling, air pollution, conserving electricity and alternative forms of power. I never really thought about plastic factories, chemical spills, water privatization, cosmetics, etc... We covered these topics these last two weeks throughout our readings, class assignments, and the documentaries that we watched in class.

During week 7 we were assigned Reading 16: Ill Winds: The Chemical Plant Next Door. This reading was about life in a small rural town and the results of having a chemical plant near by. This was really interesting to me because I haven't lived in a small town, and I have always wondered why people just don't leave if things are so bad. Ii have a better understanding of their lives now. We also watched the documentary, "Green", in class this week. This documentary was about "cancer alley". This documentary was really hard to watch because it showed how horrible our government is and how people are getting sick or hurt because of it. This is just really upsetting to me. We also did an Eye Opener on the environmental effects of one of our favorite cosmetic items. This was really interesting because I have never really thought about how my cosmetics effect the earth.

Week 8 was a little less busy. We were assigned to read Reading 31: Privatizing Water. This article was about how water privatization is starting to become a larger part of our world. The article mentioned the pros and cons of water privatization, and why certain areas would be benefited by this option. We watched half of the documentary, "Thirst", this week, which was about the water privatization issue that we had just read about. The second half of the documentary didn't work, so we spent the class period talking about environmental issues. I really thought that that was a fun way to mix things up.

Overall, I really enjoyed these last two weeks. Thanks for reading, and I hope you guys have a great spring break!!!

Have a Great Day!!!


  1. I agree...I have never thought outside of the bubble of recycling and pollution as issues associated to environmental health. Each week that goes by my horizons are stretched in different directions I didnt even know existed!!! Its really cool to me, hard to hear about so many issues weve been learning about though. But hard in a very good I am looking forward to the second half of this class and what else we get to learn about and explore. Have a great break Sara!!

  2. Nice post Sara!
    Weeks are flying!...and this class keeps getting more interesting! I was really shocked by the cancer alley issue. I couldn't believe my eyes! I never thought people even lived like this anywhere! It makes appreciate were i live so much more, though there are other issue, but they're not that "close to home".
    See you in class!

  3. This class has opened my eyes too! There is a lot more to environmental health than I thought and this class proves that every time we meet. I cant believe that cancer alley even exists in the US. It is so sad to think about those families. The last two weeks were interesting and im looking forward to what else is to come. Nice Post!

  4. Good post Sara. Good to know you enjoyed those two weeks. I did as well. The documentaries we watched were very interesting. I never knew about cancer alley and I'm glad I was caught up with what was happening down there.
