Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Eye Opener: CSPI

I really enjoyed doing this Eye Opener! I have always wondered how my eating is impacting the environment. I feel like I eat fairly healthy. I have grown up being conscious of my food choices and have always aimed to eat a well balenced diet.

So here are my results:
  • Health Score: 122
  • Environmental Score: -40
  • Animal Welfare Score: -39
  • Grand Total: 55 = Good
Wow...Well that appears to be pretty bad to me! The only part that I am happy about is the Health Score, and I was expecting it to be good. The other two categories I need to improve and fast! Yikes!!!

The area that I scored the highest was vegetables. This score was WAY above the rest of my other scores. The other higher categories were whole grains and fat-free dairy products. I feel that this is correct becuase I am a very healthy eater. I always eat my fruits and veggies, wheat products, and as low fat of foods as I can. The reason why the vegetable score was so much higher than the rest was becuase I was above the average servings of vegetables per week, and I just really like vegetables.

The areas that I scored the lowest on where chicken and dairy. I find this to be a little shocking. I didn't think that drinking milk and eating chicken were that bad for the environment, but it does make sense that these areas are the worst for me becuase I eat these items daily.

My scores for the Environment and Animal Welfare are equally bad. I believe that my score for the environment is so bad becuase I eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables; most of which need to be shipped here, and I think that the reason my score for Animal Welfare is so bad is becuase I eat meat on a daily basis. I know that I should really try to change both, but for right now I know that I can change my impact on my Animal Welfare score by trying to eat a vegetarian meal once or twice a week. This is a change I am confident that I can do.

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a Great Day!!!


  1. Sara
    I'm glad you finally got something to work! Sorry I couldn't be very much help. See you tomorrow!


  2. It's great that your health score was so high, mine was only 4. Maybe i did it wrong or it could really be true. I also scored lowest at at the environmental column.
    Good job overall, see you in class!

  3. Hey Sara. Awesome post. Neatly organized. Those vegetables look delicious. It's good to know that your a healthy eater and I eat dairy a lot to. Makes me feel bad that I'm hurting the environment in that way but to be honest I don't think I could cut down my dairy diet that much. Keep it up!

  4. Thats great that you are going to try to make just small changes at one time, so you dont get overwhelmed with trying to change everything all at once. I really like that picture to, its so pretty ha! I agree with you on feeling both bad and good about the sense that eating veggies is a good thing, but it seems to have a negative impact on the environment. Hmm..puzzling! Nice work Sara!
