Friday, May 1, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 13 and 14

Yet another two weeks have come and gone. I cannot believe that we only have two more weeks left of this class. This class has really wound down, which I am really grateful for. I was really sick last week, so I am a little behind on some assignments, but I will be getting them done this weekend. Sorry group!

During week 13 we watched the short movie, The Story of Stuff, which explains how the accumulation of "stuff occurs". We also went to Bagley Nature Area this week to learn how to navigate with compasses. That was really fun for me because I had never learned how to use a compass before. I always just thought that it was used to find north; I had no idea about finding your bearing, or anything else like that. This day of class was really fun because we got to get out of the classroom and do something different. Our assignment for this week was to do the third part of our Advocacy Project: Issue Overview.

During week 14 we had someone come in to talk to us about his work with Americore. This was extremely interesting to me because I have just recently become very interested in joining Americore or the Peace Core for a few years after I graduate. We also had a really fun "Junking" challenge this week in class. It was really fun to see what kinds of ideas each web group came up with. I also thought it was really fun to work with our group, because we really haven't gotten to know eachother that much in class. Our assignment for this week was to do the fourth part of our Advocacy Project: Letter to the Public Official.

Well thanks for reading! I hope you all have a wonderfull weekend! See ya in class on Tuesday!

Have a Great Day!!!


  1. I too loved these past two weeks. I also just started investigating everything with Americorp, and so to have him come in a talk was kinda crazy to me!! It was fun to work with our group on the junking in-class activity...we have a lovely group!! Good luck with the rest of the semester!

  2. The past two weeks were definitely a blast. It was cool learning how to use a compass for the first time though I didn't get the hang of it. It sucks that I missed our only "in-class group time", but I am glad you had fun with the junking activity. Keep up the great work! :) See you Tuesday....

  3. A blast for sure. Good thing I learned how to correctly use a compass otherwise I would have just walked which ever direction the needle would be pointing. I believe that compass has the wrong saying on it if I'm not mistaken.

  4. Sorry im so late Sara....I really liked weeks 13 and 14 they were a lot of fun. I learned how to use a compass a long time ago but I haven't used one since so it was cool to re-learn it! good luck with the rest of your semester
