Friday, May 8, 2009

Advocacy Project: Discovery Health: Stop Smoking Quiz

I have always felt strongly against smoking. I really have no idea how this began, but I just know that it has always been something that I am interested in standing up against. I feel that the consequences of smoking are too destructive for both the smoker, and the innocent bystanders. I feel that it is important for everyone to have a basic knowledge of the effects of smoking, so that us why I chose to do my advocacy project on this issue.

I had a really hard time finding an interactive activity about smoking, and when I did find something, it was for Kindergartners, and asked questions smoking bad for you? I was a little frustrated, but then I found another quiz that was for adults, and it had some really great questions. I learned a lot from taking this quiz, so I felt like it would be a great interactive learning activity. Please take the quiz and read the additional information that comes up with the answers. I bet you will learn something new. Please write down the most interesting thing that you learned by taking this quiz.

To take this quiz go to this link:

For more information on smoking and second hand smoking, please go to....
  • What Smoking Does To Your Body: There is another link at the bottom of this website that is about what smoking does to your loved ones. I think that link is really cool as well.
  • Facts on Passive Second Hand Smoking: This one is intended for youth, but I feel like it has a lot of really good basic informaiton for you to all know about second hand smoking.
  • Smoking may be Banned in Cars: I included this link becuase it is the exact focus of my Advocacy Project. This link is really cool because there are extra links that allow you to test your knowledge.

I hope you all learned a lot! Thanks for doing my activity!

Have a Great Day!!!


  1. I understand how you feel about the whole smoking thing. Sometimes I wonder if there is a better to help people quit smoking since a lot of alternatives don't seem to work for smokers. I am looking forward to taking the quiz, and learning more about you topic.
    Great job Sarah! :)

  2. Hey sarah, I can tell this is something that is really important to you and you found a great quiz to go along with it. Some of the questions are shocking! good job

  3. After swishing some White wine vinegar in my mouth, I would brush my teeth with a little hydrogen peroxide to wet my toothbrush, how to stop smoking
